Tuesday, December 27, 2011




A lot of doomsday gobbledygook is so convoluted it’s mind numbing to attempt to sort out. Take the Planet X scenario. Simply put, a giant planet or red star on an elliptical orbit that brings it near earth every 3600 years, will smash into earth in…yes, you guessed it…2012, maybe around December 21 and but possible earlier, perhaps in the spring and summer. Apparently the doomsday prophets need a nice, wide margin for error.

Supposedly, Planet X is our solar system’s 10th planet and has been photographed by the Russians, but it was discovered by the Sumerians oodles of years ago! That’s right, the Bronze Age Sumerians were aware of the mysterious Planet X/red star bound to crash into earth. Of course, there are some believers that the Sumerians left evidence that they communicated with being from another world…Planet X. If that’s true, then maybe the aliens told them to watch the heavens for a big round object that’s going to smush us like bugs under an iron boot.

To give credence to the Planet X theory, some doomsayers use a biblical reference to support their claim. And, naturally, the reference is from Revelations.

And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp…And the name of the star is called Wormwood…and many men died… (Revelations 8:10-11)
On one website was this: “Some cite other names for Planet X, including ‘Wormwood.’ This is prophetic since the Holy Bible does, in fact, prophesy catastrophic earth changes to occur due to a star by this name.”
Neatly packaged, eh? Prophetic, not so much. The Bible mentions a star called “Wormwood” and, lo and behold, some doomsayers conveniently say that Planet X is named Wormwood, although its older name is Nibiru.
There’s another bit of conspiracy theory connected to this. It seems that the Freemasons have been waiting for Planet X for a long, long time. Now, my father, uncle, some cousins, the local mortician, our next door neighbor and a ton of men I knew growing up were Freemasons. They met twice a month, had a terrific venison banquet each fall – members donated meat from their October deer hunt – and performed many civic activities, such as building parks and raising money for scholarships and charitable projects. If my father, as pragmatic a man as I’ve ever known, was alive and I went to him and said, “So, the Masons have been waiting for Planet X to come and collide with earth.” He would look at me over the top of his reading glasses and ask: “What? Where did you hear that nonsense? Have you been drinking? Did your brother drop you on your head again?” (According to family legend, he did drop me on my head when I was two.)

Like I said, it’s very convoluted. Texe Marrs (yip, that’s his name) has written a book about it. I haven’t read it because I’m not about to buy it with my own money. However, in his pitch, Marrs concludes with this:
“(Planet X)…teaching is at the very core of the Secret Doctrine of Helena Blavatsky's Theosophy, of L. Ron Hubbard's Scientology, and of Freemasonry's Sirius mystery teachings. But as I show on my startling new video, the events surrounding the return of Planet X—The Dark Red Star on a Collision Course with Earth (Available in VHS or DVD), are much, much more unsettling than what the expectant world has been duped into accepting as fact.
“The truth, my friends, isn't "out there somewhere," as they proclaim on the popular TV series, The X-Files. It's found only in the prophetic pages of the Holy Bible. Isn't it time therefore, that Christians asked, what does God have to say about the tumultuous coming of Planet X?”
At the risk of sounding blasphemous, might God be asking: “Planet X? What’s Planet X?”

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