Monday, September 17, 2012



Tim Ralston, an Arizona native, has spent about $10,000 getting his family ready for the end of the world. Oh, yeah, and in the process a weapon backfired and blew off half of his thumb. Don’t ya hate it when that happens?

Any way, Tim was planning to use a cargo container to make an underground shelter for his family. But, having blown off half his thumb, he went to plan B and found a nice cabin next door to another prepper. He and his new buddy are “…actually working out a program…to start building shelters and selling them."

Once again, Doomsday as a profit center. *sigh*


Former televangelist Jim Bakker has an enormous $6 million dollar debt still unpaid to the IRS. I think we can all agree that there’s nothing worse than being in debt to the IRS. They are heartless, merciless, and vindictive and like the hounds of hell, they cannot be stopped. Until the debt is paid. Thus, Bakker is now hocking “survival products” to “help his true believers live through the coming apocalypse.” Now, I have to mention that among his offerings is “a $100 Silver Solution Total Body Cleanse Kit, which includes enemas.” A blog known as The Talking Points Memo compared Jim’s prices with other apocalypse-minded sellers and found that his goods are, in some case, priced 100 percent higher than the competition. Did we mention he owes the IRS $6 million smackers?


“On August 18th, 2013, the alien invasion will begin. The government has been under the thumb of these reptoids for years and now, the truth will be revealed. There will be rivers of blood and natural disasters on a scale that this world has never seen. The end of the world will come for many and the rest will be awakened to the fact that we are not free, have never been free and will never be free. We are under the thumb of a race that sees no value in our existence outside of slavery. We are mindless drones to them and when the 8th month of 2013 is upon us, they will show us their wicked hand.”

Wow! Scary stuff. The above comes from “Ringside Report: The heart of boxing.” The heart of boxing seems to be filled with UFO stuff, because that’s pretty much what dominates the site. Strange, eh?

So, to recap, the lizard-like folk that have already enslaved us will reveal their nefarious plans and, apparently, kill a bunch of us – I wonder if they have the cookbook “To Serve Man?” – because we are valueless. I also wonder if they’re afraid of the fierce mongoose. Mongeese? Mongooses?

And happy trails to you, too! 

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