Thursday, November 22, 2012


Okay, I’ve been absent from this blog too long. I admit it! I’ll guilty of blog-avoidance. The problem was predictability of the information I was finding. I thought there would be a lot of goofy stories, but there were a lot of redundant stories.

In 1980, an old Arabic astrological prediction was brought to light. According to the ancients, “when the planets Saturn and Jupiter would be in conjunction in the sign Libra at 9 degrees, 29 minutes of that sign,” oops! It would be the end of the world. At about midnight, December 31, 1980, the scary configuration just about took place. “Jupiter was at 9 degrees, 24 minutes, and Saturn was at 9 degrees, 42 minutes, so the calculation was close to correct.” And, guess what? Nothing happened.
In 1970, the often wrong Jeane Dixon predicted that in the mid-80s, a comet would strike earth. She claimed to know the location, but didn’t tell anyone. At the time, she said it would become “known as one of the worst disasters of the 20th century.” You think? I mean a comet smacking into earth would likely make life on the planet extinct so if by some miracle someone survived, they might well consider it the “worst disaster” ever!
Some biblical scholars predicted earth’s doom for 1996. Thus was their reasoning: “since one day with God equals one thousand years for Man, and that God labored at the creation of the universe for six days, Man should labor for six thousand years and then take a rest. Thus, using other scripturally derived numbers, the world should end sometime in 1996.” Gosh? It must have been a small ending.
And finally, our old pal Nostradamus in his Quatrain X-72 proclaimed July 1999 as the end. He wrote:
L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois
Du ciel viendra grand Roy deffraieur

Resusciter le grand Roy d'Angolmois.

Auant apres Mars regner par bon heur.
The year 1999, seven months,
From the sky will come a great King of Terror:
To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols,
Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.
Scientists say that the life of a star such as our sun is about 10 billion years. The sun is in mid-life at about five billion years, give or take a few million. Thus human have a little time before the sun goes supernova and incinerates everything. The solar system will be extinct and we’ll be extinct. However, I pledge not to lose any sleep worrying about it.

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