Friday, December 21, 2012


We can sigh in relief. We haven’t gone KA-BOOM!

Of course, we were never going to go KA-BOOM today. In fact, I visited December 21, 2012, The Official Website, and they have a post for the “Shocking 2013 Horoscope.”

Based on the feeds I have been getting via Google Alerts for the last year, news outlets all over the world are telling people to simmer down, the world is fine! China seems to be the most worrisome place. The God Almighty cult appears to have embedded the doomsday fear deep in the collective Chinese psyche.

In Belize, Mexico and other Maya-country nations, tourism is up. Parties, fine dining, festivals and other events are in full swing.

Of course, a lot of people are hunkering down in their basements or, better yet, their apocalypse shelters and waiting for whatever. Many are certain that when the smoke clears, they will pop out of their rabbit holes like Bugs Bunny and take command of the ragtag survivors – this, of course, would be implausible if the world went KA-BOOM –  thus assuring their status as heroes rather than their current standing as losers and misfits.

However, since we’re all still here, I am pointing my finger and laughing. The absurdity of it all is both comic and tragic! Mean-spirited people perpetrate a monstrous hoax on the world and while most of the world yawned and moved on with other stuff, a few gullible, sad people have slipped into despair and depression over an nonsensical event that was never going to happen.

So, this ends my IT’S END OF THE WORLD…OR NOT! blog. It’s been fun, illuminating and occasionally disheartening. But well worth the effort!

Merry Christmas! And many Happy New Years!


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