Thursday, December 20, 2012


Early on in this blog, I made 10 predictions for 2012 as an exercise in how simple it is to cover the spread, so to speak. Now let’s see how I did as a soothsayer, prognosticator and latter-day seer.

1.      During the spring and early summer, areas of the American heartland will experience major flooding.
In June, eight inches of rain fell overnight in Minnesota and Duluth was deluged.
2.      Renewed violence will break out in the Middle East.
Too easy, really. Syria again flared up in February. Israel and the Palestinians were bombing each other hammer and tong until recently.
3.      A tyrannical dictator will be driven out of office.
I had hoped that Syrian President Bashar Assad – a real butcher and badman – would be deposed before the end of 2012, but thus far, he’s still in power. Search as I might, I can’t find another despot of note who was deposed in 2012. I strike out here!

4.      An iconic American movie star and Academy Award winner will die.
On July 7, Ernest Borgnine, 95, passed away. He won an Academy Award for his role as Marty in the film of the same name and easily qualifies as “iconic” given his numerous film roles and stint as McHale on McHale’s Navy.
5.      An earthquake will create widespread destruction and panic.
On May 20, a 6.0 magnitude earthquake hit the Emilia-Romagna region of northern Italy, killing six people, injuring scores more and toppling centuries-old churches and clock towers.
6.      A major medical breakthrough in cancer research will be announced.
“Researchers at Stanford University have recently developed an antibody that is showing great promise in cancer treatment research. Preliminary results of this antibody are yielding shrunken tumors, halted growth, and even complete elimination of tumors. The antibody works by blocking a cell's production of the CD47 protein.”
In March, British scientists announced that common aspirin was proving to be a major deterrent to cancer.
7.      A volcano will erupt, spewing smoke and ash over a wide area.
Currently, there are 11 active volcanoes around the world. Tungurahua in Ecuador has been especially violent since last Friday. According to Discovery, “Numerous explosions have occurred with ash rising up to 8 km above the crater. So far small pyroclastic flows have descended the flanks and heavy ash fall has been affecting nearby areas.”
8.      A political contender will make a major gaffe when referring to President Obama.
“I don’t know whether Barack Obama was born in the United States of America. I don’t know that,” said U.S. Rep. Mike Coffman (CO) at the May 12 fundraiser. “But I do know this, that in his heart, he’s not an American. He’s just not an American.” Coffman apologized, which is the strategy of such people: make an outrageous claim and then apologize.
9.      U.S. unemployment rate will fall.
As of December 7, the U.S.unemployment rate is 7.7 percent, its lowest point since December 2008.

10.  President Barack Obama will be re-elected to a second term.
Another one that was way too easy. Of course, Obama was helped by extremist Republicans who tried to reignite the debate on birth control and women’s rights, what was duly labeled “the war on women.” I mean, really? Didn’t we have those debates 40 or 50 years ago?
My predictions: 9 of 10 came true! Ha, take that Nostradamus! 

Remember: Tomorrow...KA-BOOM! NOT!

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