Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Four days to KA-POW! Also know as Friday, December 21.

KA-POW came a little earlier to a doomsday cult in China. Recently the Chinese authorities have rounded-up more than 100 members of a Christian-inspired cult humbly calling themselves Almighty God. And, you guessed it Almighty God prophesied the world’s demise on December 21.

According to a report out of Beijing, the cultists were handing out doomsday literature and sending apocalyptic text messages before police began an extensive round-up. A Pamphlet taken by police read: "Dec. 21 is approaching, and on that day half of the world's good people will die, and all evil people will die out — only if you join the Almighty God movement can you avoid death and be saved. Great tsunamis and earthquakes are about to happen around the world."
One True Believer built a large houseboat for his family to save them from the doomsday tsunamis.
On a darker note, hours before the senseless murders at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut, a Chinese man entered an elementary school in rural China and stabbed 23 children. Chinese police say he was “influenced” by doomsday predictions.

And, speaking of China, a Chinese entrepreneur is selling apocalypse survival pods, dubbed Noah’s Arks. Priced at $50,000, the pods seat 14 people but can accommodate 30 people in a pinch. Those 30 people could survive for two months bouncing and bobbing on the waves.

“The pod won’t have any problems even if there are 1,000-meter-high waves… it’s like a ping pong ball, its skin may be thin, but it can withstand a lot of pressure,” the inventor explained.

Of course, if you want one for Doomsday…Not!, you’d better figure out how to get it here by Friday!

And finally, NASA has prepared a video that will be released on Saturday. It’s title? “Why the World Didn’t End Yesterday.” One NASA scientist who has been battling end of the world hype for several years has coined the word “cosmophobia,” people's fear of the cosmic unknown.

One pundit suggested NASA should have said something sooner…

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