Friday, December 7, 2012


NASA has put up a page on its website to help people navigate the stupidity surrounding the Mayan Calendar end of the world prediction…not!

The problem is, true believers…idiots and morons…have stuffed this nonsense down a lot of people’s throats and some people are now experiencing health and mental problems as a result.
In Russia, women in a prison near the Chinese border experienced mass end-of-the-world hysteria and the warden had to bring in a priest to calm down the inmates. At the same time, the Russian minister of emergency situations issued a statement that the world was NOT coming to an end anytime soon, although the country was still vulnerable to "blizzards, ice storms, tornadoes, floods, trouble with transportation and food supply, breakdowns in heat, electricity and water supply."

Dr. Leonid Ogul, a member of the Australian Parliament pointed out that the endless barrage of end-of-the-world talk can’t help but impact some people.

''Everyone has a different nervous system, and this kind of information affects them differently. Information acts subconsciously. Some people are provoked to laughter, some to heart attacks, and some - to some negative actions,'' the doctor said.

You may recall that the village of Bugarach, France near the Pyrenees Mountains is an allegedly Doomsday refuge where, the idiots and morons believe they will be safe when the End of All Things occurs December 21. Unfortunately, according to Bugarach’s mayor, the village of 179 souls will be closed from December 18 through December 21.

In an interview with ABC News, NASA scientist David Morrison said he receives one or two emails a month from children of eleven or twelve telling him they are contemplating suicide to avoid the end of the world. Morrison also told the interviewer that one teacher told him the parents of a student were contemplating murdering their children and committing suicide to avoid Doomsday.

A gas mask wearing, machete wielding resident of San Diego told a reporter for the local ABC affiliate that December 21 “does possibly mean the end of the world. I do know about the Mayan calendar, I have done some research."

Yeah, he may have done “some research,” just not enough.

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