Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I’m back….!
Okay, okay, stop! Please, no booing and hissing!

Anyway, one reason, well, okay, the main reason I took a little time off was the obvious redundancy of what I had to say.

Of course, as the year progresses, things are heating up. A woman in Mexico did terrible things to her child as an offering or something to the coming End of the World…Not and there have been more suicides and Apocalypse-spawned insanity. A 37-year-old-man in Maryland confessed to killing and eating parts of a college student living with his family. Prompted by the media, the Center for Disease issued a statement that even in light of several bizarre cannibalistic attacks around the country there is no pending zombie apocalypse.
However, all of that was just routine end of the world stuff. And then I read about the gnomes.

Not just any gnomes, either. Zombie gnomes.
Don’t watch the skies, rather watch your begonias and iris, keep a sharp eye on your rose bushes and black-eyed Susan. The little sucker might be lurking under any tree, shrub or bush.

A couple of California (where else?) artists came up with the idea of “zombie garden gnomes.” Chris Stever and Jane DeRosa fashioned a series of zombified gnomes, ranging from Patient Zero with a half-melted face to Doomsday Dan, a latter-day gnome preacher who believes the zombie apocalypse is a plague from heaven.

One of the art pieces entitled Bye Bye Birdie (see above), depicts zombie gnomes devouring a pink flamingo lawn decoration.

The artists sell their creations for prices ranging from $21 for a solo gnome to $55 for Bye Bye Birdie.

Additionally, there’s a gnome survivor complete with shotgun.

And who says the Apocalypse can’t be fun?

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