Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Today, June 5, begins a rare solar system event. And, while I suppose some Doomsday True Believers (morons/idiots) are pedaling it as a sign of the End of Days, in reality it’s just a very cool occurrence.

NASA reports that Venus will pass across the sun today and tomorrow, June 5 and 6. “Although the entire eclipse will be visible from certain countries, in the US it will only be visible as it begins on June 5. The sun will set before the event ends.”

This occurrence happens only twice a century. I happened in 2004 and now in 2012. That’s it, apparently, for the 21st century.

There will be no earthquakes, no gravitational realignments, no End of Days nonsense. Since looking directly at the sun to see the event is a dandy way to burn out your corneas, the entire spectacle will be carried live on a space camera at http://events.slooh.com.
So, no doom and gloom today, just a cool event that needed to be noted.

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