Thursday, June 7, 2012


(Note: It’s come to my attention that a daily blog is boring to bejesus out of my readers. Hence, after today, new posting will be far less frequent.)

I figured after yesterday’s follow-up to the Miami “zombie attack” that it would be the end of the story. However, I happened upon an article entitled “Zombie Apocalypse or Sign of the Devil? Attacker Preached Bible to Friends Says Girlfriend.” It was published in the Christian Post.

Now I try to be careful when it comes to religion. Many a story I’ve read that would make good fodder here, but I have by-passed them so as not to alienate any readers. However, this article really intrigued me.

“Those who knew the attacker…say that he was ‘battling the devil.’" As opposed to bath salts? As you’ll recall, Rudy Eugene, the crazed “zombie” that ate a homeless man’s face before police shot and killed him to stop the attack, was high on bath salts.

In this article, the writer states that “some conspiracy theorists who believe that an actual zombie attack may be imminent.

“Two other incidents in May resulted in arrests when an Illinois man bit the cheek of an 18 year-old girl. Only two days later a California man bit the tip off of his cousin's nose.”

Rudy Eugene’s girlfriend naturally hates the “zombie” moniker placed on her dead boyfriend’s memory. "He was a person. I don't want him to go down like that," she told the Miami Herald.

Apparently, Eugene was a godly person who carried the Word to anyone in need. However, he was “going through a lot with his family" and, while a “sweet” person, he had been a “heavy marijuana” user. “His girlfriend blames the attack on Eugene either being drugged or a supernatural occurrence.”

His best friend told the Herald that "Rudy was battling the devil."

So, apparently, the devil told him to eat a homeless man’s face?

I don’t know, it’s a stretch.

Eugene may have been “battling the devil” figuratively speaking, but I don’t think it was an actual knock-down-drag-out with the Prince of Darkness; not unless his infernal majesty brought the bath salts.

And, bye the bye, in late May, the U.S. Senate passed ban on some bath salts and sent the bill to the House of Representatives.

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