Friday, June 1, 2012


As one Prepper mentioned recently, an apocalyptic zombie is whatever an individual prepper/survivalist wants it to be. An earthquake, a super volcano, a rogue planet, a wildfire, you know, the disaster-du-jour for which people are preparing to survive.

Well, according to the Guardian Express in London, police are now using the zombie moniker to describe behavior exhibited by “cannibalistic” criminals trying to “chew other people’s faces.”

As old Jack Parr would have said, “I kid you not.”

“Recently, at least ten such cannibalistic cases have been documented,” the Guardian reported. “Authorities have begun to list to these psychotic encounters under the heading ‘Apocalyptic Zombie.’”

“In the latest episode, Miami Police were summoned to the scene by a man who failed in his attempts to stop 31-year-old Rudy Eugene from savagely gnawing on the face of Ronald Poppo. When they arrived, police found a naked, blood-splattered Eugene growling and chewing on the face of 65-year-old Poppo. Even after the police confronted the crazed man and repeatedly ordered him to stop, Eugene continued to bite into Poppo’s face. Police were forced to unleash a hail of gunfire to stop and kill Rudy Eugene. Poppo is now in the hospital, fighting for his life.”

That’s pretty weird stuff. I decided to check with the Miami Herald. And there it was, right on the opening page of the Herald’s website.

Pretty gruesome stuff.

The Guardian, always ready, willing and able to peddle doom and gloom, tied the entire face-eating affair to the approach of 12/21/12, you know, Doomsday…not!

Another gruesome tale out of Hackensack, New Jersey, also is being attributed to the “Zombie Apocalypse” phenomenon. Too grisly to recount here, suffice to say that a man did bad things to himself and then threw his own body parts at cops. At last report, the “zombie” was in critical condition.

Naturally, Doomsday panderers and hysterics are attempting to link these isolated events to whatever scenario fits their twisted little minds. In truth, bizarre people do bizarre things that have nothing to do with Doomsday/Armageddon/End of Days/the Apocalypse. If you look hard enough, you can find terrible and horrific incidents occurring every day. However, it’s simply life on a planet on which seven billion people are trying to live, not the end of the world.

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