Thursday, May 31, 2012


Here’s an update. If you read – or try to read – my blog, you’ll recall the entrepreneur converting missile silos in Kansas into chic Doomsday shelters for the very rich. Known as “Survival Condos,” the developer reports that he has sold every one of the plush underground (tombs?) for a cool $2 million apiece.

Just to recap, a former software engineer transformed Atlas F missile silo that was built in the 60s during the height of the Cold War into a posh set of condos that will be able to house 70 people in comfort for many years.

I cannot speak for anyone else, but the idea of living in a hole in the ground (the silo is 174 feet deep) for an unspecified amount of time is not appealing.

Sure, the condos will have Jacuzzis, HDTVs to simulate windows, modern appliances and gadgets to pass the time, but in the end, you’re just another rodent burrowing into the ground to hide from whatever bad thing is happening. Of course, topside there will be guards to watch over the site to make certain whatever bad thing is happening doesn’t happen to you.

And therein lies the rub.

My first thought when I read about the Survival Condos was about the wealthy, privileged set enjoying the luxuries and amenities below ground while, above ground, a group of armed and we must assume highly skilled and trained mercenaries are on patrol protecting them.
What could go wrong?

Let’s see, said armed, trained and skilled mercenaries decide that they’re just as important as the privileged set they’re protecting. Why must they eat military rations while the gentry eats cake and caviar?

And so, like Spartacus leading the slave rebellion, the armed, well-trained guards turn their skills on those they guard and…
Well, you get the picture.

Survival Condos are all well and good, but how safe will they actually be when Doomsday…Not! comes around?

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