Thursday, May 10, 2012


Good old Isaac Newton – nothing to do with the fig cookie – is the father of modern physics; a renowned scientist and scholar. His scientific writings have been published everywhere. However, his theological writings are far less known.

Now, Israel’s National Library’s website has, thanks to the Newton Project, uploaded a digital copy of Newton’s Bible.

What’s interesting here is that Isaac predicted the end of the world. That’s right, the founder of classical mechanics, the father of modern physics was also a latter day doomster. And his prediction for the date of Doomsday? December 25, 2060.

Apparently, Isaac arrived at that specific date by calculating the coronation of Charlemagne, which took place on Christmas night in 800, and going forward 1,260 years as prescribed by the Book of Daniel.

Okay, well, no one should hold their breath. In fact, not many of us breathing now will be breathing then. At least not in our current incarnations. So, if 12-25-60 is the end date (not!) we aren’t going to care. But I don’t think our grandchildren or great grandchildren should worry.

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