Saturday, May 12, 2012


Once again, an American religious leader has proclaimed a date for the End of Days/Armageddon/the Apocalypse/Doomsday: June 30!

Jose De Jesus Miranda made the proclamation a couple of weeks ago, declaring on a ministry broadcast that “an earthquake is coming.” 

Yeah, duh!

Earthquakes are a dime a dozen.

"It is getting closer and we will see the catastrophes,” Miranda announced. “What you have seen is nothing. What is coming is cities falling."

Ah ha, that’s not all he promised. According to his prophesy, there will not just be the “complete destruction of the bad seed,” but a superhero will arise and he will have the power of flight and be able to walk through walls

Hey, I’m not making this up. Jose De Jesus Miranda says a flying superhero is going to appear and do stuff. What kind of stuff? Well, you know, fly and walk through walls, kinda like Superman’s ghost.

You might wonder if he was actually christened Jose De Jesus Miranda. The short answer is no. He was born in Puerto Rico in 1946 and, by his own account, was visited by Jesus in 1973. Actually “visited” is not accurate. If I understand correctly, he was possessed. Jesus “walked up to him and entered his body.”

With Jesus onboard, Miranda waited until 1988 to “disclosed that he was actually the Apostle Paul. Not long after that, Miranda took it to the next level, calling himself both Jesus Christ and the Anti-Christ – as one writer put it, “a one-stop shop for all your Reckoning needs.”

And, now, according to his latest proclamation, the time of reckoning in fast coming upon us. He points to a pending reversal of the earth’s poles that will cause the “tectonic plates to heat up. For 2012, we are expecting a change on the face of the earth and the destruction of the world will come."

Miranda sweetens the plot with some economic doom and gloom that will cause governments to crumble, etc. etc. etc.

He has followers in 130 countries. How man followers is not known.

“He's in their heads, he's inside the heads of those people,” U.S. religion expert Prof. Daniel Alvarez said in a 2007 interview with CNN. “De Jesus speaks with a kind of conviction that makes me consider him more like David Koresh or Jim Jones.”

And while his followers sing his praises, others are not so keen to line up behind him:

“To put it bluntly,”, a Christian website posted, “Luis De Jesus Miranda is a heretic. He is a false messiah who claims to be the second coming of Jesus Christ."

So remember: Mark your calendar. June 30. End of Days. Or not.

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