Wednesday, May 30, 2012


As previously mentioned, biblical prophesy is a big deal in some corners. However, for my money, biblical prophesy depends on interrupting biblical passages to fit a particular scenario.

The “Everything important blog” promotes itself as “the Key end times prophecy signs to watch for - basic timeline.”

Now, as I’ve mentioned before and I’m sure I’ll mention again, too many Doomsday bloggers want their readers to believe that they are the alpha and omega of End Times prophesies. To which, of course, I say bologna! The sheer egotism behind these sites is amazing.

Well, okay, I’m egotistical as hell, but my message is not to get sucked into Armageddon/Apocalypse/End of Days/the End Times hysteria and nonsense. In fact, both the Bible and astrophysicists agree that “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven…”

Still, while Matthew 24:36 and Mark 13:32 – both Gospels – pronounce the above, many End of Days prophets insist they know the truth. I’m not certain if that is hubris or hypocrisy or a combination of both.

I will say this. A lot of End Times bloggers point to current events as the sign of approaching Armageddon. They forget, or conveniently ignore the fact that news reaches us almost instantly – a bomb goes off in Israel and a live TV feed is on CNN before the smoke clears. We are bombarded with words and images from every corner of the world with an immediacy that is staggering. Since many of these images are horrendous, it’s understandable that some people might interpret it as a sign of a world going to hell in a fanny pack, but really, isn’t the truth less terrifying. All over the world, people are looking for better lives and demanding more freedoms. So, maybe I’m a Pollyanna – although a lawyer once told me no one would ever accuse me of such – but I think rather than approaching oblivion, humankind is struggling, inch by inch, towards a better world and a brighter future.

The thing is, why waste time and energy trying to predict the unpredictable? Why not enjoy life? Or, at the very least, try to enjoy it?

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