Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Today I rant!

Doing this blog is both enjoyable and taxing. Time and time again I run across articles about the so-called “End Times,” written by people professing to known and understand biblical prophesies and, nine times out of ten, they have an ebook that explains it all a mere for $9.95. Heck, it might be a part of a series of ebooks.

It’s disgusting! Why are these so-called “Christians” so obsessed with the world ending? Because Christ will return? Or because their shitty little lives aren’t all rainbows and unicorns?

Kaye and Buddy have a website to “help you get all the information you need on surviving the End Times.”

What incredible arrogance! Out of the billion or so Christians roaming the planet, Kaye and Buddy are the ones who can tell you how to survive the end of the world. It’s egomania of monstrous proportions. And, sadly, their website is one of hundreds, if not thousands professing to do the exact same thing.

Like the doomsday preppers with their delusions of commanding leadership, taking charge when the solar storms hit or some mythological planet appears from behind the sun or a giant asteroid hits earth, Kaye and Buddy will be your guide into the era of the Second Coming.

Unfortunately, these True Believers (idiots/morons) are like an infectious bug, just keep nibbling away at people, spreading their hokum and nonsense to the gullible and feeble minded.

The world isn’t going to end this year! Forty thousand-plus people die everyday and more are born. The world does have problems, but in my humble opinion the world is a better place today than it was forty years ago and forty years ago it was a better place than forty years before that. All over the planet, human beings are striving to build a better world for themselves and their families, countries are reinventing themselves, people are coming together (largely thanks to social media) for common good. If the world seems like it’s going to hell in a fanny pack, it’s only because our media is everywhere and news reports are instantaneous. Couple that with the new reality of “journalism” in which TV local newsreaders now delivery every story with editorial commentary, usually in a panicky and breathless voice and newspapers actually take stories from dubious sources like TMZ, the National Enquirer, The Star, People Magazine, ad infinitum.

Here’s my opinion: All the End of Days doomsters with their pathetic yowling and mewling about the End Times are nothing but opportunistic money-grubbers seeking attention and/or profit and who wouldn’t know Jesus or the anti-Christ from Chucky Cheese.

Life is good! Choose to be happy because choosing to be unhappy is insane!

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