Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Here’s a headline from The Local, an English-language newspaper covering German news that appeared last week:

German Drops Mayan Skull, Endangers Mankind

“The volcanic rock skull, named Quauthemoc, was dropped - or, more eerily, may have fallen of its own accord - during a photo-shoot at a laboratory in the small town of Glauchau, Saxony,” The Local reported with all the reliability of Entertainment Tonight or Extra.

Apparently, the ancient Mayan skull was swiped from a Tibetan monastery by Nazis between 1937 and ’39. They were seeking its “magical powers” that will “enable humanity to survive the December 2012 apocalypse.”

At the end of World War II, the skull was found among the possessions of Nazi Interior Minister, Gestapo chief and black magic connoisseur Heinrich Himmler.

During a photo shoot of the skull, a clumsy East German lab assistant fumbled it and the chin of the skull was chipped.

"It was probably put down somewhere a bit wobbly," an eye-witness reported. "Suddenly it crashed to the floor. A big piece broke off the chin. It's really tragic."

The owner of the skull, one Thomas Ritter, who was not present when the accident occurred, said that the incident was not “a bad omen.”

He went on to explain that his Mayan skull is one of 13 “magic skulls” that will aid humankind after the 12-21-12 apocalypse. Seemingly Ritter and the other skull owners will gather at an ancient Maya site in Mexico on December 21 to begin the healing process.

"The prophecy says that the skulls will reveal a secret knowledge to humanity on that day," Ritter pronounced. "But I can't say more than that. The skulls might start speaking or something, but I have no idea."

“I have no idea.” That’s the most telling bit of this asinine story. Ritter wants to take off for Mexico in December to head off an Armageddon that was NEVER predicted!

This is a lot of cheap publicity coat-tailing on a ludicrous and silly non-event!

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