Sunday, May 6, 2012


Anonymous Letter Writer
The Olympian

“We are definitely in the End Times! The time for God/Jesus to return is soon. How soon I do not know, but tomorrow would not be too soon for me.”

Harold Camping
U.S. preacher who predicted the End of the World twice in 2011
Writing in a letter posted on his ministry’s Website:

“We realize that many people are hoping they will know the date of Christ's return. We humbly acknowledge we were wrong about the timing. We have no new evidence pointing to another date for the end of the world.”

Jack Kornfield
Buddhist Teacher and Author
Elevated Existence
Discussing 2012 predictions for the End of the World

“If everyone panicked all would be lost. But if even one person on the boat remained calm and centered, it was enough to show the way for everyone to survive. So someone on the lifeboat of the world has to be that beacon of steadiness and compassion, and be mindful and free of heart. As you do that, it changes all you touch.”

Gary Demar
Biblical Scholar
Describing a televised debate with a End Times advocate

“He knew who I was, but it was obvious with our conversations between takes that he didn’t have a handle on what I actually believed. I asked him if he was interested in producing a documentary on competing views of Bible prophecy. He was polite in telling me that when he read the Bible, he read prophecy in a literal way. Here was my response: ‘I bet you that I interpret the Bible more literally than you do.’ Silence. I then asked him the following questions:
  1. Can you give me one verse that explicitly teaches a pretribulational rapture?
  2. Can you point out one verse from the New Testament that teaches that the temple will be rebuilt?
  3. Where in Revelation is the seven-year tribulation found?
“He could not identify a single verse in support of any of these end-time beliefs that are very popular with Christians today.”

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