Saturday, May 5, 2012


Recently, the good citizens of Moscow saw several green-tinged clouds sweeping over the city and freaked out!
Armageddon! The Apocalypse!


“Today Muscovites felt like characters in a disaster film about an alien invasion: people living in the south-west of the city saw that the sky had been colored green,” Russia's weather service reported.

Eerily, the green clouds slipped up on the Russian capital like some virulent alien gas or the angel of death come to dispose of the population. By afternoon, the clouds were over the city proper and office workers and others stared in wonder at the colored sky.

It didn’t help matters that the Komsomolskaya Pravda tabloid appeared with a headline: "Green clouds are coming toward Moscow. Could it be that the apocalypse is upon us?"

A light coating of green dust began covering streets and cars.

Emergency numbers were called as residents panicked. Was the ominous green cloud the result of an industrial accident? Was it part of some diabolical plot straight out of a James Bond thriller? Was it fallout from some distant, deadly explosion?

No. No. And no.

"This dust is pollen from alder and birch trees which began flowering recently after a slow spring," authorities explained. "The pollen poses danger to people suffering from allergies and asthma, for others it's only seasonal discomfort.”

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