Tuesday, May 29, 2012


In Las Vegas, according to the Las Vegas Weekly, Mike Monko operates the amazingly popular Zombie Apocalypse Store. While in reality, it’s a store for survivalists (AKA Preppers), tacking the “zombie” moniker onto its name was a stroke of marketing genius.

“I had the name in mind, but I didn’t say anything, and I asked my 14-year-old son Michael, ‘What do you think we should name the store?’ He says, ‘I think you should call it the Zombie Apocalypse Store.’ It didn’t take but a couple days. We got a sign up and said, ‘We’re gonna run with this.’”

Admitting that he was completely unfamiliar with the “zombie subculture,” Monko acknowledges that they flocked to his store.

“They tend to be pretty well versed on what’s happening, and they know what they’re really preparing for. Your zombie could be anything. Some people are super concerned about climate change. That could be their zombie, and all that means is, what are you preparing for? It all boils down to: If you’re prepared for a zombie attack, in most areas, you’re pretty much prepared for anything.”

Thus, the Zombie Apocalypse Store is really about preparing for disasters, natural or man-made.

“People who won’t prepare for an earthquake or for whatever government takeover or meteorites hitting the Earth ... people who won’t prepare for that will prepare for a zombie attack.”

The store sells what you would expect, weapons, food and survival gear. But, Monko handles zombie novelties, too. He can even customize a T-shirt with fake blood. Plus, he has a BB gun shooting range. Not many prepper stores offer all that.

“I just got a new bumper sticker, and it’s become one of our best sellers,” Monko says. The bumper sticker reads: “Deep inside we all want a zombie apocalypse.”

Okay, we all know a zombie apocalypse is pretty far-fetched, however Monko does make one final resonating point: “You’re preparing for zombies, you’re weird. But if there’s an earthquake, you’re eating.”

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