Tuesday, May 1, 2012


May Day!

I remember back in the mid-50s when May Day was a day little nippers gave May baskets filled with candy to one another. I think I even recall a May pole around which little nippers danced and sang (reluctantly, I’m certain). That all stopped when the Soviets became using May Day for their annual military parade through Red Square. It was a frightening show of force and military might. Very scary stuff.

Well, here it is, May Day. Not May poles or May baskets and no Soviets parading through Red Square. I suppose, May Day is just a distress call now and the beginning of May Sweeps during which TV networks and channels are rated on their viewership hour-by-hour to determine their future advertising rates.

Yeah, the May Day luster has gone away. However, last year May 21, 2011 had special significance and offered us new fodder for fun.


From the Website Judgment Day is December 21, 2012: “God speaks of the end of days, rapture of believers, and Judgment day in the Bible. There are numerous signs that Jesus will return to Earth on May 21, 2011 for Judgment Day of earthly creatures. The Bible tells us that the true believers will be saved, and brought to Heaven, while those who do not believe will live their final days on the Earth that God is preparing to destroy.
“Judgment Day is nearing, we can see that God’s 7 Signs of the Apocalypse are upon us, and that May 21 of this year appears to be the target date for the return of Jesus.”
That was last year’s prediction, the famous Harold Camping pronouncement that didn’t happen. By the by, the website’s name sort of distracts from the pronouncement, doesn’t it? If Judgment Day is 12/21/12 why did they ballyhoo 05/21/11?
And how about those pesky seven signs?

1. The many “false prophets” that will deceive many.
2. Wars and rumors of wars
3. Famines
4. Earthquakes
5. Persecutions and tortures to the true followers
6. Lawlessness . . . the love of many will grow cold
7. This good news of the kingdom will be proclaimed to the whole world

At the risk of sounding like a heathen, doesn’t the foregoing sound like every period in recorded history? In fact, haven’t there been periods in history that make today seem like it’s all rainbows and unicorns?

Well, we know Camping was wrong. He subsequently moved the date to October and he was still wrong. Now we have 12/21/12 to look forward to. Life is good!

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