Sunday, May 13, 2012


Last week, it was widely reported that “on the wall of a tiny structure buried under forest debris in Guatemala, archaeologists have discovered a scribe's notes about the Maya lunar calendar, which they say could be the first known records by an official chronicler of this ancient civilization.”

First, for the Maya archaeologists that’s one enormous discovery. For the rest of us, it confirms what we already know: the Maya calendar DOES NOT PREDICT THE END OF THE WORLD IN DECEMBER!

The notes that were found pertain to the same calendar that people have been peeing their pants about lately.

“The researchers who helped uncover and decipher the wall's inscriptions said the Maya calendar foresaw a vast progression of time, with the December 2012 date the beginning of a new calendar cycle called a baktun,” according to Reuters.

“The Maya calendar is going to keep going and keep going for billions, trillions, octillions of years into the future, a huge number that we can't even wrap our heads around," William Saturno of Boston University told Reuters.

He explained that the “numerical inscriptions on the wall in Guatemala measure out time in approximate six-month increments, based on six lunar cycles, with small stylized pictures of Maya gods to indicate which deity was the patron of a specific slice of time.”

Thus, to sum up, the Maya calendar that does not predict the end of time, actually rolls on and on and on ad infinitum.

December 25, 2012 is Doomsday Not!

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