Saturday, June 2, 2012



A 16-year-old girl in England hanged herself recently after determining that the world would come to an end this year.

Isabel Taylor became a Buddist, but the change in religious views did not help quell her discontentment with the “complications and injustice” of the modern world.

“She yearned for an uncomplicated and perfect world where every living thing would be valued and at peace,” her parents explained. “But the simple and perfect world she sought, where all living things would be treated with compassion and equality, was never going to materialize. Unfortunately the future for her in her eyes must have seemed very bleak.”

People running around screaming “end of days! end of days!” should be ashamed of themselves for feeding the gullible and the weak their asinine bullshit.


A Kansas man who was preparing for the end of the world by making and storing grenades was sentenced recently to 21 months in federal prison.

Alfred C. Dutton, 65, of Eureka, Kan., pleaded guilty to one count of unlawful possession of unregistered destructive devices.

Government exhibits included grenade bodies, powder and fuses. Prosecutors said five incendiary bombs were found in a storage locker leased to Dutton in Eureka in southeastern Kansas.

Dutton’s defense said he was preparing for the collapse of the economy and collecting medical supplies, non-perishable foods and other items. The defense submitted to the court an excerpt from a National Geographic documentary on “Doomsday Preppers” to illustrate his state of mind.


A woman in Palmdale was arrested recently for allegedly attempting to drown her 8-year-old son in the swimming pool at their apartment complex while yelling “You have to go. This is the end of the world.”

Fortunately, other complex residents jumped into the pool and saved the boy. Police carted away the mother “kicking and screaming,” according to The Los Angeles Times.

One of my biggest concerns is that as we near December 21, more and more of these terrible incidents will occur. More gullible, weak-minded people with their “common sense” switch set to “off,” will pop out of the woodwork and do bodily harm to themselves and to others. It’s the unfortunate by-product of a worldwide hysteria ratcheting out of control.

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