Friday, June 29, 2012


Back again!

I’ve mentioned that the Center for Disease Control uses a “zombie apocalypse” as a fun method to teach emergency preparedness. Of course recently there have been a rash of cannibal “zombie attacks” around the country that the simple-minded, raging hysterics and out and out idiots have tried to interpret as a coming zombie apocalypse.

Thus, in light of all that, the CDC has produced “Prepared 101: Zombie Pandemic,” an online graphic novel demonstrates the importance of emergency preparedness.

“Readers follow Todd, Julie, and their dog Max as a strange new disease begins spreading, turning ordinary people into zombies. Stick around to the end for a surprising twist that will drive home the importance of being prepared for any emergency. Included in the novel is a Preparedness Checklist so that readers can get their family, workplace, or school ready before disaster strikes.”

The graphic novel is interesting and entertaining while offering valuable information. It can be accessed here:

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