Monday, January 30, 2012


ParaNikki – hopefully just a nickname – wrote on the Paranormal Utopia website that we all should join her and her colleagues on a “spectacular cruise and seminar-at-sea to the sacred Mayan sites of the Yucatan.”

That’s the wind-up, here’s the pitch:

“Cruise the Mayan Yucatan on the 2012 Solstice. Enter the Fifth World with sacred ritual by Mayan Elders at Cozumel and Chichen Itza. Connect with the Galactic Center. Enjoy an awesome Educational Seminar at Sea with leading Mayan Scholars.”

Billed as the “Mayan Galactic Cruise,” it’s scheduled on Carnival-Triumph December 17 to 22, 2012. Right in the midst of the end of the world! You could be right there when, KA-BOOM! – it all ends….NOT!

Actually, the cruise will featurea grand ceremony and ritual that closes a 5000-year era of darkness, and opens a new eon of light – the ascension of humanity. On this day, the Great Cycle, which began in 3114 BC, will end. The Fourth World will pass, and the ‘World of the Fifth Sun’ will be born.”

Hey, I’m all for that and wouldn’t it be great to be basking in the Yucatan sun in December, sipping a Mai-Tai, Mojito or Piña Colada? It would be even better to be a trim 25 again basking in the Yucatan sun and sipping a fruity tropical drink not a fat 63 worried about proper exercise, diet and insomnia.

Hey, I’m just sayin’…!

Anyway, fantasies aside, according to the information, if you go on the cruise, which has prices starting at $999 (that’s 666 upside down) you will “add your momentum to the vibrational energy that culminates in the peak spiritual event of the Millennium – the Solstice of 2012, which will occur at the incredibly auspicious hour of 11:11 a.m. Universal Time on December 21, 2012.”

The pitch concludes: “At that time, on that date, everything we know will change. We will enter a new world – a world of Ascension.”

Or….or, not to be a cynic, in which we return to reality to face credit card bills for a cruise we probably couldn’t afford and will enter 2013 on a restrictive diet that will bar rich foods and fruity tropical drinks of any kind.

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