Friday, January 20, 2012


As a money-maker, Doomsday, December 21, 2012, may prove to be the biggest in the history of doomsdays. All sorts of opportunities to be parted with your dollars are presenting themselves on a daily basis.

One of my favorites – and this from a guy who loathes cell phones – is a new app from Garret, which I am told is the Mobile App Developer (MAD). The new app is for the Android phone, the one in those slick TV commercials that look like an ad for a new sci-fi flick. According to a press release, the new app is a “graphics-oriented ‘Doomsday 2012’ mobile application.”

Zowie! Now you can countdown the End of Days on your cell phone when you’re not yakking it. Sounds like good, clean fun to me!

The press release also proclaims the new app as “the only 2012 timer on the market that calculates the Years, Months, Weeks, Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds until Doomsday on December 21, 2012.”

Well, you can’t beat that! I mean it counts down Doomsday for you in real time! And, too, should you have need for it, the app is available in German and French as well as English. Although that made me wonder why it’s not available in Spanish and Mandarin Chinese, the two most spoken languages on the earth. Oh, well, by the time I figured that out Doomsday will have come and gone.

If it’s any incentive to rush out and get the app, it supports both portrait and landscape views whether users have “small, low density screens” or “large high-definition displays.”

“I am excited to release a mobile application with this kind of mass appeal” said Garret. "The whole idea is both serious and scary, and lighthearted fun. Like Y2K, only I think people are a little wiser these days and it's just something to have fun with."

And I will make some money!

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