Thursday, January 5, 2012


Right before the end on 2011, shamans in Peru had a get-together in Lima where they performed a series of rituals designed to cancel out the dreaded Maya end of the world prophecies.

What a relief. Just when you think it’s our darkest hour, those stalwart Peruvian shamans, like the cavalry charging to the rescue during the American genocidal war against indigenous people, suddenly appear to save the day!

Well, okay, maybe not, but still somehow reassuring…the shamans, that is, not the genocidal war.

So, anyway, wearing their traditional garments from the Andes and Amazon regions, the Peruvian shamans called upon primordial Incan gods and requested a change in the date for doomsday.

Juan Osco, an Andean shaman put it this way: “This is not going to happen, to those who think that way to spread panic, (we say) no, the world is not going to end. The bad things, hatred, revenge, rage are ending. And a new spiritual world of peace and love will be starting.”

Okay, Juan sounds a bit like little Mary Buttercup, a ‘60s hippie high on life, free love and peyote, but still, there’s nothing wrong with a little more spirituality laced with peace and love and a belief that hatred, revenge and rage will end in lieu of the world.

By the way, witches, clairvoyants and shamans are routinely used in Peru to predict the future and have been used since the time of the Incas. Of course, that begs the questions: Did the Incans see their own end coming?

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