Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I recently read a piece by Kate James, a member of, “the place where millions of people come for fresh perspective on what's happening now,” that suggested that, perhaps, the strange sounds people from around the world report hearing are precursors to Doomsday!
Egad! We’ve had to contend with rogue planets, solar flares, super-volcanoes, polar shifts, Mayan calendars and a zombie apocalypse and now, sounds!
And “strange” sounds at that.

Maybe they’re like the strange sound you hear in the middle of the night before realizing you should not have had that second helping baklava or Brussels sprouts or bean curd or whatever sets your stomach to grumbling and rumbling. Maybe it’s the sound of your unneutered cat making amorous advances on the neighbors’ unsprayed feline or the annoying pitter-patter of little feet running through the attic reminding you that those pesky squirrels are still finding a way in.
Oh, yes, we’ve all heard strange sounds.
However, Ms. James says that some people believe that the sounds they are hearing are “the gates of hell opening in preparation for the 2012 end of the world as predicted by the Mayan calendar.”
No, she admits. “Mayan scholars do not actually believe that the world would end in 2012, so it seems unlikely that the weird noises are related to that.”

And, by the way, these strange sounds have been labeled Unidentified Howling Objects (UHOs) by a gentleman named Tom Rose.
According to TruTV’s website, the paranormal community (and when they say that I assume they are not talking about demons, werewolves, vampires, ghouls, zombies, etc., but those who embrace such things) is being haunted by “mystery sounds.” What about the rest of us? Aren’t we worthy of hauntness?
In an effort to be fair, I clicked on links to video from loggers in Alberta and listened to the sound that they heard and it was pretty eerie and strange. Reports have been received from Romania, Malaysia, Chicago, Glasgow and right near me, just across the Platte River Valley in Arvada.
Admittedly, there’s a phenomenon occurring and whether it’s the gates of hell creaking open, UFOs sputtering or Odin’s stomach rumbling, weird sounds do not a Doomsday make. 

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