Sunday, January 22, 2012


Jackie Rooney, Florida Times-Union, Jacksonville

“Another math-challenged prophet Nancy Lieder, who claims to be in contact with aliens from Zeta Reticuli, said the planet Nibiru would collide with Earth in May 2003, but coincidentally re-calculated the date to Dec. 21, 2012.”

God Discussion (This marked only the end of the world in Colorado.)

“Friday the 13th seemed like a good time to get in on Tebow-mania to some Salem witches who sought to "neutralize" Tim Tebow and help Tom Brady and the Patriots for Saturday's game. It appears to have worked as the Patriots dominated the Broncos 45-10 in the AFC playoffs.”
Additionally, CBS Boston reported that, according to Salem Witch Lorelei, “Tebow is praying to the Gods, and we, the Witches of Salem will pray for the entire New England Patriots team and raise the energy in their honor to maximize an outstanding performance.”
Yeah, okay, fine! Whatever. 

Possible 2012 End of World Scenarios Include:

Mayan End of the World

  • The Mayan calendar ends on December 21, 2012, which some feel indicates the world will end that day.

Polar Shift

  • The Earth flips its poles every so often and some feel that we’re due for a switch.
  • The pole reversal could cause volcanoes, tsunamis and other disasters.
  • Our poles reverse polarity about every 250,000 years. Last flip = 780,000 years ago.

Nuclear War

  • This is often the number one theory in the U.S. as to how the world will end.
  • There are over 20,000 nuclear warheads in the world.

Biological Disaster

  • Plagues have a historical reputation of wiping out civilizations and bioweapons do exist.
  • It’s possible for any viral or bacterial infection to spread across the entire world within a couple of days.

Ice Age

  • The world has had several ice ages before.
  • Despite technology, if an ice age approached too quickly, many areas would be destroyed.

Alien War

  • Are aliens planning an Earth takeover?
  • 20% of people believe aliens already live amongst us

Zombie Virus Outbreak

  • Is it just the stuff of science fiction or could a cannibalistic virus take us all down?

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