Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Pat Robertson, the Christian conservative leader, told a recent television audience on the 700 Club that he asked God about 2012 and was told that our doomsday troubles will not be due to solar flares, earthquakes, volcanoes, Maya calendars or any of the other popular scenarios, but rather “total economic collapse” and, according to what God told Robertson, it’s President Barack Obama’s fault.
Well, of course it is. Evangelicals and conservatives along with many liberals who wanted Obama to be Batman to George W. Bush’s Joker, blame everything on Obama. I mean, let’s face it, if George W. Bush had made the call to take down Osama bin Laden, saved the American auto industry, stopped the country’s economic freefall, established the beginnings of a health care system that promises to serve virtually everyone, set in motion a system to protect American consumers from Wall Street predators and saved Iranian hostages even as Iranian leaders spewed hate and venom at America, he would be heralded as the Second Coming. But since it was Barack Obama, a black man, these same people can’t do enough to tear him down. ‘Cause, after all, that’s what Jesus would do, right?
But I digress. Robertson also said God told him who the next president will be, but “I'm not supposed to talk about that so I'll leave you in the dark -- probably just as well…”
Yeah, it probably is just as well. Who knows what name popped up in Pat’s fever dream?
Robertson has been pronouncing doomsday stuff for years and especially since gays and lesbians have demanded equal rights under the constitution. His hatred for homosexuals is only topped by his hatred for our first African-American president.

So, anyway, God told ol’ Pat:

“Your country will be torn apart by internal stress. A house divided cannot stand. Your president holds a radical view of the direction of your country which is at odds with the majority. Expect chaos and paralysis. Your president holds a view which is at the odds with the majority -- it's a radical view of the future of this country, and so that's why we're having this division. This is a spiritual battle which can only be won by overwhelming prayer. The future of the world is at stake because if America falls, there's no longer a strong champion of freedom and a champion of the oppressed of the world. There must be an urgent call to prayer.”

Here I discuss, skewer and mock the doomsday nonsense currently in vogue. However, within a religious context, I suppose if we are doomed, it’ll be God dooming us. Since so many religious people blame everything on God – why take any responsibility for what goes wrong in your life if you have God to blame? – it’s logical that gay marriage and a black president will anger Him enough to end the world….Not!

Wow, I got that off my chest!

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