Sunday, January 15, 2012


Uncredited article in the Express Tribune (International Herald Tribune)
“Conspiracy theorists are having a field day blogging from their mothers’ basements and people are minting money building bunkers for, and selling gas masks to, the gullible (read: lunatic) fringe. We expect mass panic, widespread power outages, a complete collapse of law and order and total governmental paralysis. In short, an average Pakistani Tuesday.”

“According to NASA astronomers, the Earth and sun are aligned with the center of the Milky Way every December, with no discernible trouble. NASA has also been quick to dismiss the other 2012 disaster scenarios, saying the planet Nibiru doesn't exist, and therefore cannot strike the Earth; that the north and south poles do, in fact, switch polarity every 400,000 years or so, but that this poses no particular danger and isn't expected any time soon; and that warnings of the effects of a solar storm are vastly exaggerated.”

Manjula Pooja Shroff in the Daily News & Analysis (India)

“I will admit that these are terrible thoughts to begin a New Year with. But think about it, if we all begin to live for the moment, as if there was no life after this year, maybe we will put our best foot forward and new realizations may dawn.”

John Wright, astronomer, Virginia Living Museum quoted in the Newport News Daily Press

"Yes, the Mayan calendar ends on that date," he says. "That's true for the exact same reason that our calendars end on December 31. It's the end of a cycle, and so you put up a new calendar and start again. That's what the current living Mayans say: 'When this calendar ends, that's when we start a new count, just like everyone else.' "

Kathryn Reese-Taylor, associate professor and graduate program director, Department of Archaeology, University of Calgary, writing in Ottawa Citizen.

“And this is what is so interesting about the 2012 prophecy. It is our culture that is captivated with apocalyptic predictions of all sorts, religious, political, economic, and environmental, and we invented this doomsday scenario, not the ancient Maya.”

Clayton Hardiman in the Muskegon Chronicle

“Given a choice between the end of the world and the threat of losing one’s home, doomsday starts to sound like a bargain.”

And finally, this:

Michael Cheang in the Malaysia Star

“So, can someone please confirm that the world will definitely end on Dec 21, 2012? Because if it will, then I’m quitting my job to hold that “Party To End All Parties” that the Mayans were planning. We may not be waking up at the end of that particular party, but hey, at least we’ll have some awesome fireworks to mark its end....”

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