Saturday, March 3, 2012


Pat Buchanan, one of my favorite conservatives, recently pronounced that we’re “close to being at the end of the world,” according to the ultra-reliable New York Daily News (so, okay, “ultra-reliable” may be a bit of a stretch, still…).

Appearing on CBS This Morning recently, Pat, promoting his book, Will America Survive to 2025 — Suicide of a Superpower, told Charlie Rose that he sees the approaching end of Western Civilization.
“What I want the folks to read in that book and understand, is that Western civilization is in its Indian Summer. It is on, in my judgment, pretty much its last legs, and I'm not sure it will survive this century,” Pat explained.

The book has drawn fire from civil rights groups and MSNBC, for which Pat worked, has fired him.
Haranguing Charlie about the U.S. losing its “common Christian, Judeo-Christian faith” (and, as someone who once delved into some of Pat’s older writings, let me say that he would shed no crocodile tears if Judeo vanished from Judeo-Christian), he warned that “the United States of America, which is shifting to become a multi-cultural, multi-national, multi-ethic, multi-lingual country, there is nothing that’s going to hold us together if we lose our common language, our common Christian, Judeo-Christian faith, our common moral consensus, which we are losing.”

Wow! Hysterical much, Pat?

When Rose espoused the belief that America has always been a land of opportunity for people from around the world, our boy Pat countered that it’s supposed to be a country unified under God.

“What is happening now is that the elites in this country have taken the melting pot and thrown it out,” Pat added. “They’re saying to people, ‘Come to America, keep your culture, keep your separate religion, keep your separate different beliefs.’ America is becoming a nation of nations.”

Well, the guy wants to sell books and he will, True Believers (Idiots/Morons) will surely flock to bookstores – those they can still find one open – and buy his latest diatribe.

In summary, Pat Buchanan sees America’s multi-culture society as a harbinger of Doomsday rather than as a fulfillment of its destiny to be the beacon of freedom, creativity, individual liberty and truth (well, usually) that has long been its hallmarks.

So, okay, not a real End of the World tale, although Pat is kinda like a rapidly approaching asteroid that promises doom and gloom but more likely will burn-up in the atmosphere.

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