Saturday, March 17, 2012


Dean Johnson
Spring Grove Herald (Minnesota)

“As the time for this prediction gets closer, I have been asked about this more and more frequently. The only reason I am writing this article is that I was asked by two different well-educated people at two different businesses within half an hour about the Mayan prediction of the ‘End of the World.’

“Each conversation started in almost exactly the same way... ‘Dean, you know a bit about astronomy, what do you think about the Mayan 2012 Doomsday Prediction?’

“I replied, ‘All those guys on TV who talk about the 2012 end of the world have bad haircuts, talk in funny accents, go by names like Cedric, Rupert and Percival, and are masters of the words 'could, if, maybe, might, perhaps, possibly, potentially and what.'

"’Then they quote some obscure ancient documents made by the astronomer-priests who practiced human sacrifice and present that as ironclad proof that the 'End of the World' is imminent.

"’To further cement the current hoax, they mention that the winter solstice will coincide with the rising of the sun with the galactic core, which is a mere 28,000 light years distant.’"

John concludes: “In the meantime, one word of advice, BE SURE TO GET YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING DONE EARLY! Because when the poor saps who have bought into this farce wake up on Dec. 22 to find that they are still here and the world hasn't come to an end, the malls are going to be packed!”

Love, Joy, Feminism blog
By Libby Anne

“Searching for and expecting the signs of the end times means Premillennialists end up being short term thinkers, and completely eliminates the idea of searching for global solutions to the problems facing the world today. Famines are expected; wars are expected; global agreements are seen as potentially evil; and young leaders speaking of peace are automatically suspect. And then there’s the whole “persecution complex” thing.”

Fair Observer
Ivo Oliveira

“So, should we worry? Is the world really going to end? We don’t know. But if one takes a closer look at what the majority of these prophecies and predictions postulate, it is most probable that on 22nd December 2012 we will still be here. Moreover, the end of the world as we know it will likely have more to do with our own actions rather than with a supernova that exploded 30,000 light years away.”

Guatemala News
Cirilo Pérez Oxlaj, Principal Elder of the National Council of Mayan Elders Spiritual Guides of Guatemala

Regarding December 21, 2012:

“This is the end of the fifth cycle of the sun, hoping to receive the Sixth Period of the Sun; it is a new dawn that Mayan astronomers announced. They are also called “The Bearers of Time” and are the authorities in the spiritual and material life, as the ancestors told thousands of years ago, passing the knowledge from generation to generation. This is why the National Council of Mayan Elders Spiritual Guides of Guatemala extends an invitation to all cultures, religions and spiritual practices by men, women, youth and children, as good children of the sun, children of time. To come together in a global meditation, each from our own ways to connect with the Creator of our people, communities, organizations and families, to achieve peace and a change of consciousness, and thus improve our actions and avoid unfortunate consequences of self-destruction that human action has been causing for quite some time.”

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