Monday, March 19, 2012


A new documentary, “Torah Code 2012,” recycling the “Bible Code” material, claims that hidden words and some phrases in the Hebrew text “are directly related to the year 2012 in the first five books of the Torah and although they are not as popular as the alleged Mayan 2012 end-of-the-world prophecy, the newly-discovered codes portray ‘a scenario virtually ripped from today's headlines.’"

Of course they do! Good heavens, how can you get people panicky about End of Days and Doomsday and all that guff without at least a nod to a “ripped from the headlines” grabber? There’s just too much competing media to present something written by a stoner: “Hey, dudes and dudettes, like there’s this, ya know, code in the, ah, you know, Bible and it like…oh, man could I go for a brownie…what was I saying?...oh, yeah, this code it’s like all about the end of like…I don’t know…something…”

“You’re going to die horribly at the End of Days, the Bible says so!” See? Much more effective.

Anyway, this new documentary is from Pinlight Productions and Pinlight’s Richard Shaw explains: "There's a number of 2012 tables that talk about redemption, and they're usually connected a lot with the return of the Messiah." 

Apparently, the event the secret code Pinlight pinpoints will occur during this year’s Passover, April 6 through 14, 2012. Thus far, the Jewish community has been unimpressed.

However, some True Believers (idiots/morons/pinheads) are peeing their pants in anticipation.

Well, here’s my prediction: Nothing’s going to happen!

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