Thursday, March 8, 2012


(If you’re reading this, apparently the FBI did NOT shutdown the Internet.), an online French casino, reported that “bookmakers are now taking bets from those willing to wager that the world will come to an end in December of this year, as the Mayan Calendar predicts, at odds of 1,000,000/1.”

Of course, the clear and obvious problem is this: If you win, the odds are you won’t collect because, well, you’ll be dead!

According to the Casinosenlignefrancaise press release: “Bet makers may well have the odds stacked against them, and more than a little trouble collecting their winnings, but these obstacles haven't put off pessimistic punters in the past. Betting on the end of the world increased in 2008, as the Large Hadron Collider was switched on for the first time. 12 people in the UK placed bets that the LHC would trigger the end of the world, with set price odds of 1,000,000/1 and bookmakers also unusually allowed wager makers to set their own odds.

“People looking to take a gamble on when and how the world will end are able to make a more informed wager than ever now too. The World Economic Forum has just published figures of surrounding the various economic, technological, geopolitical, societal and environmental risks posing a threat to the planet. Economic factors like chronic fiscal imbalances are the current favorites for the cause of world collapse, with environmental factors like rising greenhouse gas emissions following close behind. Scientists have also just announced readjusted figures to show the likelihood of the world being hit by an asteroid is now 250,000/1.”

First of all, most casino gambling is a sucker play. The casino is the suckee and you are the sucker. Hence, you lose. I would submit that online gambling is akin to taking your money to the rim of the Grand Canyon and tossing it into the abyss. Yet, apparently plenty of people disagree.

"2012 looks set to be a landmark year for online betting,” Casinosenlignefrancaise press release continued. “Alongside the Mayan Calendar speculation, we have the US presidential election, London Olympics and Euro 2012 Championships all coming up this year, so people looking to have a flutter have plenty to look forward to. These types of major events always give a boost to betting revenues, and we're expecting to see a rise in the number of casual bets placed this year as a result."

Suckee. Sucker. *sigh*

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