Thursday, March 22, 2012


Just in case you missed it, scientists from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory released a video addressing the nonsensical “Mayan Apocalypse.”

I can only image how the scientists felt having to waste their valuable time dealing with such utter stupidity that only a True Believer (idiot/moron) could conjure. In fact, the scientist who actually addressed the non-issue was Don Yeomans, overseer of the Near-Earth Objects Program Office at NASA/JPL.

No matter how many times it gets said, this is worth repeating:

"Their calendar does not end on December 21, 2012,” Yeomans explained, “it's just the end of the cycle and the beginning of a new one. It's just like on December 31, our calendar comes to an end, but a new calendar begins on January 1."

Yes! Yes! And yes!

But isn’t it sad that a man like Yeomans, with years and years of study and research behind him, a sharp, inquisitive mind guiding him and a truly important project under his control has to stop to address the asinine nonsense conjured up by a swarm of hysterical idiots?

He had a few other observations worth revisiting:

Regarding Nibiru, the fantasy planet that supposedly will collide with Earth:

"This enormous planet is supposed to be coming toward Earth, but if it were, we would have seen it long ago. And if it were invisible somehow, we would have seen the [gravitational] effects of this planet on neighboring planets. Thousands of astronomers who scan the sky on a daily basis have not seen this.”

The alignment of planets that will spell our doom:

"Well, first of all, there are no planetary alignments in December of 2012, and even if there were, there are no tidal effects on the Earth as a result. The only two bodies in the solar system that can affect the Earth's tides are the moon, which is very close, and the sun, which is massive and also fairly close. But the other planets have a negligible effect on the Earth."

How about a shift in the Earth’s axis? Yeomans’ response:

"The rotation axis can't shift because the orbit of the moon around the Earth stabilizes it and doesn't allow it to shift."

And, finally, the dreaded shift in the Magnetic field:

"There's no evidence it's going to happen in December, and even if it were to be shifting, it takes thousands of years to do so. And even if it did shift, it's not going to cause a problem on the Earth apart from the fact that we're going to have to recalibrate our compasses."

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