Friday, March 16, 2012


Doomsday Preppers. For what do they prep?

Well, that’s a darned good question and the answers are as varied as the preppers.

For instance, there is a retired police officer who traded the rocking chair for an 18-wheeler and is now a long-haul trucker fervently preparing for total worldwide economic collapse.

Then there is the woman who spends all – and I mean all – of her time trying to disinfect her home of “deadly viruses.”

Another gentleman living in Florida is convinced his home will be flooded after the world shifts on its axis.

And then there is this:
A laboratory worker for an oil company walked away from his job in anticipation of December 21, 2012, you know, the End of Days. A true believer (idiot/moron) in the supposed apocalypse predicted (not!) by the Maya, he searched out other (wrong) sources, such as ancient Egyptian predictions that allegedly cited 2012 as the end of all of us. The former oil workers doom du jour is the complete reversal of Earth’s magnetic field leading to devastating earthquakes and tidal waves and End of Days.

I say this: When 2013 rolls around and this mook is out of work and everyone is laughing and pointing at him for being a complete and utter ass, he will NOT admit he was wrong. Instead, he’ll make up some gobbledygook about an error in calculations and find a new date for Doomsday.

All in the family:
A family in Augusta, Georgia, is preparing for bad times. While the family has no television (“kids are hooked into electronics and don't know how to socialize, let alone the difference between a white pine and a white oak,” explained the father), they do have a Wii game system for educational games and a DVD player for movies. 

The father proudly “describes his children as ‘feral,’ as they spend a lot of time in the woods, though they each have mastered different skills.

“Today's world is based on fear and disconnect,” the father pointed out. “Real learning involves your whole being. It's not something you can get from YouTube or TV or a book.”

Feral kids might become feral adults, or maybe not. 

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