Saturday, March 10, 2012


The famous book known as the Codex Dresdensis to which many True Believers (morons/idiots) point to as the source of the bogus Mayan prediction of the end of the world on December 21, 2012, is currently on display in Dresden, Germany. A 78-page book, it has been in Dresden since 1739 and amazingly survived the vicious bombing of Dresden by Allied forces that virtually leveled the city during World War II.

The 78-page book will be on display for a few months at the Book Museum of the Saxon State Library. The codex has 39 leaves, which are made of bark and measures about 7.9 inches long. Sheathed in wooden lids and enfolded in jaguar hide, the book was likely made in the 1400s by eight different writers.

According to an article in The Local, a German English language newspaper, “the codex is thought to have been sent to Europe in 1520 by Hernán Cortés, a Spanish conquistador who conquered the Aztec empire. He sent shiploads of treasure to the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, who kept the gold and left the books to rot in the archives.”

The article also explained: “Eventually, researchers used the Dresdner Codex to determine that the end of the 13th Mayan calendar cycle would fall on December 21, 2012. This date is illustrated in the book with the image of a giant crocodile spewing water from its mouth.

“Many esoteric researchers have interpreted this as a sign of a coming apocalypse, but archaeologists and other researchers have downplayed this notion.

“Sven Gronemeyer, a researcher of Mayan culture from North Rhine-Westphalia said last year that his decoding of an old stone tablet referencing 2012 has shown that the Native American civilization merely expected the return of one of their gods on that date.”

No matter how often the above is said, True Believers (idiots/morons) will continue to claim the Maya predicted the End of Days.

Like I’ve said before, you just can’t fix stupid.

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