Saturday, March 31, 2012


Here’s a first for a non-religious person like me (by non-religious, I do not mean atheist, just non-religious). I visited Focus on the Family’s website. I have a friend who has research Focus on the Family extensively. Allegedly, she discovered financial links between the organization and militia radio as well as private militia.

Anyway, for me, Focus on the Family is scary.

However, I was attracted to their Website by an online discussion entitled “Raising Kids in the End Times.” Here was one post:

“We love our 2 sons (14 and 16 yrs old) and enjoy frank conversations with them...on many topics. We listen to teachings on and study eschatology (I looked this up, it is a theological ‘science’ concerning ‘the four last things: death, judgment, heaven and hell’) and regularly; our pastor frequently mentions his belief that we are living in the end times. While we agree and are impatient for The Lord's return, I sometimes wonder how all this talk may be affecting our teens. They talk with optimism about growing up and raising their own family and living many exciting, thrilling experiences.”

Wow, pretty creepy in my view.

It seems to me some people spend too much time worrying about the end of time and not enough, you know, smelling the roses. If the world is going to end – KA-POW! – what are you going to do about it? For my money, it’s better to be happy and let what comes come rather than be miserable worrying about what may or may not come that you can do absolutely nothing about.

Besides, kids should be filled with hope and optimism and excited about their future and the opportunities. What kind of parent instill fear and insecurity in their children?  

So, call me crazy, call me doomed, but do not call me late for supper when I’m smelling the roses.

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