Friday, March 9, 2012


NEWS FLASH – Enormous flares on the sun’s surface sent a solar storm racing through space at four million miles an hour, incinerating all life on Earth March 8.

What? That didn’t happen? But…but reliable sources, you know, True Believers (idiots/morons) said we were all going to die, so we’re all dead, right?

We’re not dead? Really? Way cool!

Well, of course, the hysterics and crackpots and prophets of doom and other intellectually-challenged mooks were wrong. While they were wringing their hands and peeing their pants, reality slipped them a mickey and they dropped into a not-dead faint when the world didn’t end!

Last Tuesday, two solar flares exploded on the sun’s surface an hour or so apart. The waves of magnetic fields they sent rolling through space had the potential to “disrupt power grids, as well as radio-based communications.” That, however, didn’t appear to happen, but there were some awesome auroras in the northern skies Wednesday night.

So, sorry True Believers (idiots/morons), but we didn’t die in a ball of fire. Don’t despair, I’m sure there will be plenty of pee-your-pants moments ahead. In the mean time, go change your shorts. Please.

The above image is of a huge and powerful solar flare captured by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory Tuesday, March 6.

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