Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Let me say this: Having been raised in the San Luis Valley in southern Colorado, which is rife with lore about UFOs and alien sightings, I none the less remain skeptical, although I don’t discount the possibilities of alien visitations. There are some questions that have been raised by UFOlogists that scientists have not answered because they can’t find answers and thus simply ignore the questions. That’s not science, that’s cowardice.

I’ve always been a pragmatist and a realist and when it comes to mythology, legend and folklore, I want empirical evidence. But, hey, I’m also with Mulder, I wannta believe!

That said, when I read the following, I was truly perplexed and mystified…

“We hope these vague descriptions in the English language enlighten others who are traveling on the path that will lead to ascension of the extraterrestrial energy that our ancient alien ancestors passed down in various ways as oral traditions and that similar secret groups on earth have tried to convey to their own members.”

This is the opening to “Alien ET UFO Community of Ascension Age 2012 and Beyond.”

“We prepare the way for those of the coming day and the golden dawn to come as mentioned by those of our ancient tribal ancestors as that of the Ascension Age to officially begin December 21, 2012 at 11:11.”

Do you get the feeling that 12-21-12 is getting a little crowded? Everyone wants a piece of the action. Although, for my money, the ones who have it right are the Mexican and Central American tourist agencies that are planning a big party; fun for all, as opposed to Doomsday.

Anyway, this Website reports that beginning 12-21-12 at 11:11 – it does not spell out if that’s Greenwich Mean Time, Mountain Standard Time, Pacific Standard Time or Alien Standard Time – official Ascension Age. To prepare for this new age, you should visit their Website on the Internet “where we all now meet and learn and educate others and ourselves. Please join us for we shall always add the stories to share on the UFO Digest.”

I read more, but got both lost and bored. I’m not really sure what they’re peddling, but I’m will to bet buried under all the verbage and flowery New Age hyperbole there’s an ebook or series of ebooks or something similar.
In the meantime, remember the admonition from The Thing from Another World (with James Arness as the vegetable guy): “Watch the skies everywhere. Keep looking. Keep watching the skies!"  

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