Thursday, April 12, 2012


In Reading, England, an abandoned mall was turned into an End of Days shooting gallery. Some fun, huh?

Actually, yes.

The idea was pretty simple. Folks paid a fee to “shoot zombies in a ‘spooky, deserted’ shopping mall.”

Upon arrival, the participants were briefed by the “Police Special Zombie Bashing Unit” concerning the “zombie apocalypse.”

Once briefed, the would-be zombie hunters had to complete a series of “run and gun” missions inside the creepy old mall. Zombies lurked everywhere. Adding realism to the whole thing were Airsoft rifles, special effects and a host of props that enhanced the whole fighting the evil undead experience.

Of course, to make it more frightening and fun, ammunition was in short supply and there were not that many opportunities to “reload.” In short, according to one the zombie hunt sponsor, “As a survivor you will [need] speed, steady nerves and smart thinking if you're to make it out alive!”

The “Zombie Shopping Mall,” experience, which lasted the three hours, cost £119 ($189) per person.

In 2011, the same promoters gave folks a chance to participate in “Zombie Boot Camp.”

“Zombie Shopping Mall” was a success and will probably result in more zombie shooting experiences. Which is good, we should all enjoy make believe experiences, because I’m here to tell you, there will be no zombie apocalypse, no zombie doomsday or no zombie Armageddon.

And, by the way, tomorrow is Friday the Thirteenth and I will be on holiday through Monday the sixteenth. But, fear not, I’ll return April 17…or not.

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