Saturday, April 7, 2012


“Denver International Airport is about as bizarre and creepy of place as you can imagine. It is actually an airport over an underground city with tube shuttles that travel at mach speeds to places like the Argo Mines, NORAD, Riverton, Wyoming and Dulce, New Mexico. There is Nazi propaganda, Indian worship temples and Bizarre Murals that should make every decent person who travels via DIA angry.”

Oh, yeah, I’m steamed every time I go there!

Okay, that’s not true. I like DIA. It’s cool and unique. And, above all else, it’s a friggin’ airport! I can fly out and fly back 24/7. Not that I fly much anymore. TSA – Terrorizing Senior Americans – has become one of the great annoyances of my life…

Ah, but I digress.

The above is from an ultra-paranoid Website “The Conspiracy Zone.” Reading it is like watching 10 episodes of The X-Files in a row; you kind of overdose on mistrust, fear and suspicion.

There is so much wonderful hysterical paranoia on the site that I have not the time or space here to recount it. However, among the aliens attacking earth, the $1.3 trillion biannual black budget for weird projects and so forth, there is the DIA nonsense.

“The Illuminati want the New World Order established by the year 2012, which is the year the Mayan calendar ends. The DIA murals actually are a blue print of the events that will have to happen to carry out their evil agenda. Millions of travelers have seen these weird murals but most pay no attention. This is a perfect example of the illuminati hiding in plain sight! There are murals that depict a military man in a gasmask killing a dove (symbol of Christianity) with a sword, different minority groups lying dead in caskets (the Illuminati expendable races), women carrying dead babies and kids with a German boy as the leader hammering a plowshare while holding it with an Iron claw. The murals at DIA are a map of the coming New World Order. On the Capstone in one of the many ‘Masonic’ hallways in the airport it designates DIA and the ‘New World Airport Commission.’

“Denver International hosts a secret underground city which is over 88 square miles and several miles deep. DIA is one of the major hubs for these secret underground tunnels. Let’s take a partial look at an interview with Alex Christopher, author of Pandora’s Box who is an expert on the subject of DIA as he is interviewed by David Allen of KSEO. “This system of murals at the airport are the most grotesque things you’ve ever seen at a public institution!!

When Allen was asked they DIA murals represent, he responded: “I say that that they are about what they plan to do to us, and the world as a whole, not what has happened or some fantasy. One of them that is very unusual has three caskets with dead people in them…”

“That’s part of the ritual connected with the Skull & Bones Club,” said the interviewer.

Allen then went on to explain that the murals express the Illuminati’s desire to exterminate Jews, American Indians and African-American.

Like I said, this is all ultra-paranoid. I’m curious though how they will reinvent the mythology after 2012 comes and goes and all is well.

Never fear, they’ll come up with more craziness.

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