Sunday, April 22, 2012


A popular theme for End of the World/Armageddon/End of Days/Doomsday is the (not going to happen) zombie apocalypse.

I’ve just finished writing a zombie novel – something I vowed never to do – and so I’ve had my head wrapped around all-things-zombie since late November when I started writing the manuscript. I have a tendency to immerse myself in what I’m writing, losing track of time and, occasionally, space. If it’s 90 degrees outside and I’m in my basement office writing about a brutal blizzard, when I get up to stretch, I expect to see a raging blizzard outside. Non-writers tend to view such psychological behavior as strange or perhaps insane; however, writers understand. When we write, we live in our heads, building elaborate constructs that we try, often in futility, to transfer to the computer screen in a series of cogent symbols.

Maybe it is a form of insanity.

Anyway, back to zombies and the not-going-to-happen zombie apocalypse. If you’re out strolling in the park and suddenly you hear a hoard of running feet behind you, you will, of course, turn. And what do you see! Zombies! A plethora of the damned undead are coming after you for their mid-day snack. Naturally, you run! You run fast!

The human instinct to run from danger is the impetus behind the new Zombies, Run! app. 

When you hear the zombies coming, you start to jog, just running fast enough to distance yourself from the advancing horde. However, the hungry moans and heavy footsteps grow louder and you must speed up least you become brain food…literally.

This app is both a game and good exercise (which for me would be good, because, as pointed out in the film Zombieland, “fatties were the first to go” in the zombie apocalypse.)

“Players become Runner 5 and are sent on missions, but the main point is to steer clear of getting caught in the brain eaters’ grasps. Players must speed their jog up to a run when approaching zombies can be heard. To add even more interest, players collect items such as batteries and medicine on their run to take back to camp.

“There are 13 missions and 17 more that plan to be released for Zombies, Run! The missions last 20 to 30 minutes and are jam- packed with action. Players can create a playlist to listen to under the audio of the game telling you when to flee from a pack of flesh eaters.”

“I used to hate running as a teenager and only got into it with the help of gadgets like the Garmin Forerunner GPS watch and Runkeeper,” explained Adrian Hon, who co-created the app with Naomi Alderman. “They’re a great way to help you improve running, but even then, they don’t actually make the act of running any more fun for beginners. So I’ve always wanted to make a real ‘running game’ that motivates you to go further and faster.”

For an app, Zombies, Run! is a bit pricey at $7.99. Still, if it can save you from getting your brain eaten, it’s cheap at twice the price.

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