Thursday, April 5, 2012


True Believers (idiots/morons) are absolutely convinced that Denver International Airport is part of an evil, evil plan. And, like some James Bond villain, the perpetrators of this evil, evil plan are so brazen they have laid it all out for us to discover if we “just understand how to interpret the clues and signs.”

According to Discovery News:

“Conspiracy folks point to murals in the airport depicting World War II-era genocide and environmental degradation, along with a message of global unity, peace, and hope. Reading meaning into art is a time-honored tradition, but the conspiracy-minded find messages about Nazis, Mayan 2012 doomsday predictions, global destruction, the collapse of the American government, and even extraterrestrial contact. Conspiracy theorists love to uncover (or fabricate, depending on your point of view) clues to innumerable hidden agendas.”

There is an inherent idiocy in all of this; that is, if an evil plot is afoot, why would the evil plotters leave clues for us to discern and why are only the conspiracy-minded capable of discerning the evil plot?

"These conspiracies and beliefs would be comical if they weren't, as a search of YouTube or the Internet will reveal, so astoundingly widespread," said Brian Dunning, host of a podcast called Skeptoid.

A grossly misnamed Website, Extraordinary Intelligence, makes extraordinary claims about DIA. It begins with the rearing blue mustang statue outside DIA. During its construction, it toppled over in artist Luis Jimenez’s studio, killing him. That is strike one against DIA. The statue is now referred to as “Blue Devil Horse,” “Satan’s Steed” and my favorite, “Bluecifer.”  

According to Extraordinary Intelligence: “Those who study the Conspiratorial aspects of our Government, have noted that the Mustang bears a striking resemblance to a horse associated with The Montauk Project, a secret government program linked to mind control and other fantastic claims.”

Inside DIA’s great hall is a capstone laid March 19, 1994 by the Masons. It’s a time capsule to be opened March 19, 2094. But wait! On the dedication is the phrase “New World Airport Commission.” 

“Several groups have investigated this organization,” explains Extraordinary Intelligence, “and found that it is unique to the DIA. No other airport has been connected with such a group. Of course, this has raised the blood pressure of more than a few conspiracy theorists, who see the connection to the phrase ‘New World Order.’”

For those of us raised in the San Luis Valley, we are more than a little familiar with Mt. Blanca in the Sangre de Cristo Range. Again, I quote from Extraordinary Intelligence:

“There are mysterious writings on the floor throughout the DIA. One phrase carved into the floor is ‘DZIT DIT GAII’. This is Navajo for ‘The Mountain that is White.’ There are several other areas on the floor that simply say ‘Mt. Blanca.’ What could this be referencing? Well, one theory is that if the Masons were in charge of the planning of this building (which they clearly were involved given the inscription and symbol on the capstone), then it could be referring to Mt Blanc or White Mountain in France, which is where the Knights Templar signed their charter. Freemasons trace their lineage back to the Knights Templar, so the connection seems to fit. At Mt. Blanc, one Templar wrote, ‘They gathered to form a New Order.’” 


Part III tomorrow.

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