Monday, April 9, 2012


Not surprisingly, many Americans are feeling antsy and anxious during the slow economic recovery. In fact, a recent survey of Americans 18 and older found that 51 percent believe the U.S. will face a Doomsday scenario in the next 25 years.

Half of us are convinced that the doom and gloom that True Believers (moron/idiots) have spread will actually come true. That’s kind of astounding, although given the amount of misinformation and utter bullshit that has been spread over the last decade or so, probably not all that surprising.

The survey was conducted for the National Geographic Society by highly respected Kelton Research.

Apparently, according to the survey report, three million Americans are actively preparing for widespread disaster. Additionally gun sales are skyrocketing and precious metals, particularly gold and silver, are selling at unprecedented levels.

On the other hand, the survey found that 25 percent or about 80 million Americans have done nothing to prepare for a catastrophe, even though half the population believes a man-made or natural disaster will hit the country in the next quarter century.

Of course, Americans are more pampered these days and more impatient. The need for instant gratification that is the hallmark of the Baby Boomers, has transferred, I think, to the Gen Xers and the Millennials. The economic recover and the return to good times should have happened instantly.

The Pew Research Center reports that during the Great Depression of the 1930s, Americans looked to the government for help and that after his first term in office, Franklin D. Roosevelt was not hated because he had not turned around the economy in his first term. Americans then were a hardier stock and, according to Pew, “more optimistic” than today’s Americans.

Of course, too, and this is strictly my opinion, I think many, many white Americans cannot come to terms with a BLACK man occupying the WHITE House. For some of them – people I know – it is much like Armageddon.

Well, I say, get over it!

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