Thursday, April 26, 2012


Temitope Balogun Joshua, the Nigerian “prophet” known in Africa as TB Joshua, has been accused by some on his native continent of being a “charlatan” and a Doomsday prophet who threatens to destabilize Africa.

An editorial that ran in several African newspapers accused TB Joshua of destabilizing “whole societies and even countries” with his biblical prophesies.

In February, TB prophesized the death of an African president; specifically, he said “African dictator would die suddenly within 60 days.” Then he “narrowed the demography of his prediction by excluding dictators from West Africa, leaving eastern and southern Africa.”

Lo and behold, Malawian President Bingu wa Mutharika, 78, died suddenly of a heart attack earlier this month.

In my opinion, the editorial writer became a bit hysterical:

“Talk was intense in Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi in recent weeks concerning the prediction because they are the three countries in southern Africa which had the oldest and not-so-well presidents. Could it be a coincidence then that Zambian President Michael Sata was within the predicted 60 days flown to India for medical attention? Could it also be a coincidence that Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe is in Singapore where he usually receives medical attention? And that Mutharika died?”

The editorial writer explained that TB’s prediction was a “self-fulfilling prophesy” in so far as it terrified these leaders. Personally, I think TB is a big bag of wind playing the odds. I mean, three leaders in southern Africa were old and ill. Additionally, he likely has sources in various camps providing fodder to foretell the future.

Apparently, Zimbabwe’s Mugabe and Zambian President Sata were so freaked out by TB’s prediction, they left the continent to find medical treatment for their ailments. Now that’s raw power. Can you imagine some pulpit ponder here predicting the demise of a few leaders that would send them scurrying off to various specialists? Okay, sure, maybe a few southern Bible Belt Republicans, but otherwise…? Naw.

Now, the editorial writer, as I said, was a little hysterical and while he pronounced TB Joshua a  Doomsday prophet, he really isn’t, unless you’re the late Malawian President Bingu wa Mutharika. I imagine TB is more of a Doomsday profiteer. He predicts the demise of a leader and one croaks and his followers pooped their pants and filled his coffers – no!, not with poop – with coin.

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