Wednesday, April 11, 2012


A few weeks ago, the Internet was all abuzz about a batch of hippies hanging out near the village of Bugarach, France waiting to be saved from Armageddon/End of Days/Doomsday/the Apocalypse by an alien spaceship that will whisk them away in the nick of time.

One pundit wondered how many hippies could an alien spaceship carry? “Perhaps (the hippies) will be powderized for the journey and then rehydrated…when (they) arrive at your new planet.”

Well, there’s always that, I suppose.

Bugarach is the site of the upside-down mountain – the result of a volcanic eruption in the long-ago – that True Believers (idiots/morons) believe is magic and has aliens living  inside of it, which I’ve previously discussed.

And, of course, the hippies will be rescued December 21, 2012 when the world ends (not). They refer to the alien craft as a kind of Noah’s Ark.

Currently, there are a few hundred True Believers (idiots/morons) camping out near Bugarach but that number is expected to swell to 100,000 by you-know-when.

If a hundred thousand do show up, dehydrating them for a spaceflight may be the only way our alien friends can take them home. Once on their home planet they can rehydrate them as needed. You undoubtedly recall the Twilight Zone episode, “To Serve Man,” in which human believed the aliens would be their benefactors and the aliens saw human as an entrĂ©e since their book To Serve Man was a cookbook.

Corny, but still worth consideration. I mean, should we just jump into any old alien craft that stops at the curb? Didn’t our parents caution us about hopping into vehicles with strangers?

End of Days or not, you won’t find me on a willing joyride with some alien smartass unless I know for certain that a) I won’t be on the menu and b) I won’t be…you know…probed.

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