Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I live about 10 miles from Denver International Airport and have flown in and out of there numerous times since it officially opened in 1995. One of my former bosses was the PR guy who oversaw DIA’s opening. He has wonderful stories about the four delayed openings due to various problems, chiefly the failed luggage handling conveyer that never really worked. Another friend and former colleague is a PR person for DIA.

Since DIA opened, conspiracy nuts and True Believers (idiots/morons) have maintained that it is a lynchpin in the collapse of Western civilization.

Here are a few of the asinine assertions:

* There is an underground bunker beneath DIA in which the “world’s elite” will huddle in the event of a nuclear war or “the impending Mayan 2012 apocalypse” (which we all know is bullshit).

* Some stupid mooks have claimed that DIA is an extension of Nazi power because the runways “form a perfect swastika.” Perhaps in fantasy land, but in this reality, they do not.

* The numerous tunnels beneath DIA were not built for luggage handling and transportation but for far more “sinister purposes.”

* Jesse Ventura, former Navy Seal, professional wrestler, actor and governor turned TV talk show host, (Conspiracy Theory) made a case. "There's a lot of strange things about this airport. It's twenty-five miles from Denver; that's nineteen miles further away from old Stapleton Airport, which seemed to be just fine..."

Just as a point of accuracy, DIA was built further from the city because land was cheap, Denver’s wealthy saw a ripe opportunity to buy cheap farmland and resell it to the city for a handsome profit. Additionally, old Stapleton Airport was hemmed in by the old Rocky Mountain Arsenal and considerable development. DIA was built with plenty of room for expansion and for the construction of the longest runway not on the East or West coasts to accommodate planes that go into the stratosphere. I was at a briefing on the runway 20 years ago and was told that eventually a high-flying plane will be able to travel from Denver to Tokyo in four hours.

Anyway, the conspiracy theories revolving around DIA are numerous. Hence, this is only Part 1.

Brian Dunning, a conspiracy debunker, told Discovery News: "It's nearly impossible to summarize the vast number of ordinary events and objects at Denver International Airport that have been misinterpreted, twisted, and sensationalized into 'evidence' for a Zionist New World Order Illuminati conspiracy to control and kill American citizens. There are facets of its planning, its design, its construction, its operational history, and even its artwork that conspiracy theorists point at as proof that we're all doomed."

Tomorrow, Part II.

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