Saturday, April 28, 2012



Decio Colla, the mayor of Sao Francisco de Paula, is urging his fellow citizens to prepare for the end of the world, which, he believes, will occur on – you guessed it! – December 21, 2012.

Colla is convinced that Sao Francisco de Paula, which is situated 900 meters above sea level, will become a haven for those fleeing real or imaginary floods and giant tsunamis. Consequently, he is urging the populace to stock up on food and water as 12-21-12 approaches.


A Uzbek man was arrested and held for the alleged murder and dismemberment of a 74-year-old woman.

“The man was arrested at the scene of the crime,” said the official statement. “He said he killed and dismembered the woman because of the nearing Apocalypse.”

And won’t we all be doing exactly that when the End of Days arrives?

The 41-year-old man, who faces 15 years in prison if convicted, had been a boarder in the woman’s home for a few days. Then, for reasons unknown, he “became very excited, nervous and started talking about an upcoming Apocalypse.”

And, of course, killing an old woman was the only way to deal with his acute paranoia and anxiety.


A German couple was arrested and subsequently ordered to leave Zambia for “preaching doomsday messages on the streets of Lusaka.” Additionally, they accused some Zambian ministers of cheating the poor and making themselves rich. And isn't that a universal accusation against many pulpit-pounders?

The Germans were given 48 hours to vacate the country. However, they were broke, so it was up to the German embassy to get them out of the country and apparently sent them to wherever they wanted to go.

Their next Doomsday destination was unnamed.

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